June has always been one of my favorite months for so many reasons: Weddings; the beginning of Summer; the end of school; warm days; long walks in the Park; sitting by the water daydreaming. Oh, I could go on and on with the endless possibilities that June can bring. I just named a few which always seemed to make June a special month for me.
So when I read our new “Carnival” topic by Shell I thought of so many possibilities to write about. Thanks to ShellMitchell, I also learned a few new things about June, that being the Pearl or Moonstone as June’s birthstone’s; and of course the Rose as June’s flower. In fact, as I am typing on my computer in front of my terrace window, I am looking out at my beautiful roses already in bloom on my terrace (the pictures above are from my terrace)! I will also share with you my favorite place that I look forward to going on a warm sunny day, Manor Park in Larchmont NY. It is one of the most peaceful places I have found – the Park is located on the ocean sound where you can climb down the rocks to the water and sit and watch the sailboats floating by and also have a beautiful view of the NY City skyline. As I climb down the rock there are many little caverns (of course, I will not tell where one might find me) but I can sit for hours looking at the peacefulness of the water and always bring my journal to write my thoughts which seem to flow in this beautifully hidden Park.
I seemed to have gotten a little distracted with my own thoughts of June; but Shell did mention June’s own symbols are the Pearl or Moonstone, and represented by one of God’s most beautiful creations – the Rose! So with this newfound knowledge, I have discovered that my own shop is filled with some of June’s own symbols. One of my pieces which I named “Moonshadow” is a Carnelian Moonstone. Although I quoted in my description of this piece from Cat Steven’s song “Moonshadow”; he says “see life as it is and don't compare it to others' lives. Every moment in life is rich and unique. This connects with the true meaning of a Moonstone as being a very person stone and is a reflection of the person who owns it; the moonstone is said to perceive that which “is”. It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other.